I claim ownership of all original material on this blog. Furthermore, most original photos contain my watermark. All material on this blog is copyrighted by me or the respective owners. Copying it and placing copied files on Social Group websites other website or blogs is prohibited...
The content of this site including articles and diagrams or. photographs by the author are Copyrighted by this site. If you wish to copy or print any of the articles found on this site you may do so for personal use only. If you wish to share any of the content on this site you may do so for personal use only if and only if you include a reference to this website as to where the information and content has come from - that is:
and "Roadtrekking 210 Blog"
Any COMMERCIAL USE of anything found on this site is prohibited without prior written permission from this site which can be requested by email Thank you!
A facebook group Administrator for "Orphaned Roadtrek Chevy Owners" asked permission to copy the contents of blog articles and place the resulting PDF files on their group.
Yesterday, September 25, 2019 I Declined that request and stated to the Administrator "Carlos M. Fernandez" in writing that I claim ownership for all of the material on this blog. I also have watermarks in most of the photos which are originals and will protect the rights of others who have contributed to this blog. I pointed out that I want to retain control of the content of this blog and that I do make updates or improvements to old articles from time to time. I want readers to get the most helpful and accurate content. Obviously, when someone copies this content they remove that opportunity and it is possible old and less reliable information will be passed along.
I counteroffered and suggested that the group make a searchable pdf with links to articles of interest on this blog and others. That file could be stored on the group file location and accessed by all members of the group. However, the group administrator(s) apparently decided to do otherwise....
Today I discovered that I cannot access the group. Apparently the Administrator of "Orphaned Roadtrek Chevy Owners" has blocked me from that group. In other words, their request to copy the contents of this blog was not a request. It was in fact a demand.
The Copyright Notice is at the bottom of every page of my blog, which consists of several posts. This blog has contained a copyright notice since the date of inception in 2013:
(c) NORM60189, NORMR60189 2013, 2015, 2017. 2019 Simple theme. Powered by Blogger.
Piracy is a crime, people.....
Copyright 2019 "All Rights Reserved"
Article originally posted September 26, 2019
Original material: https://roadtrek210.blogspot.com/