What type of trekking? I'm in transition and we began assembling our plan several years ago in 2007. We currently have a larger Class B which provided immediate benefits. When not travelling we have a permanent address because we don't want to be nomads and there are "tiny homes," and then there are "miniscule homes." A Class B is at the extreme end of "tiny," but ours is not the smallest.
Our RV is a means to an end, and a means to explore. It does not become a means unto itself. This is part time RVing and that seems to be the most prevalent type. However, part time is not our goal. Part time might be the only type available to many of us with family, jobs at permanent addresses and so on. When in that situation we can't simply wander the continent for the entire year. Some of us can but choose not to. Some of us do, but probably should not. Retirees may have a lot of flexibility, but not all trek. For those who do trek, many want an address, something we can think of as "home," so no matter where we are, we can always look forward to returning home.
Plans and formulation. It has taken a few years to agree upon a plan and to put in place several critical pieces. Piece #1 was a condominium in a centralized locale. "Ya gotta live somewhere" and this has been a good place to hang our hats for 13 years. Piece #2 was travelling, acquiring skill and spending a decade determining what, when and where. With experience gained and after further discussion piece #3 was a trial in a rental Class B; that was the proof of concept and the opportunity to obtain further clarity. Piece #4 was acquiring a vehicle in which one can live for a week or two, or more and scope out various locales. It will be used to travel from locale to locale, our "ports of call." It is our "tiny home on wheels." As part of our explorations we sought suitable locations for bases, which I'll call "locales." If this was about sailing I'd call these our personal "ports of call." We have identified three, but selected two, which I will call Pieces #5 and #6.
Neverending, or Endless Trekking. Where are we going with this? That's both a literal and rhetorical question. During our relationship we have always discussed our future together. As worker bees and thereafter. We began discussing our post-work future and wiped the slate clean. We agreed upon "must haves" and "non-negotiables" which provided a foundation. We wanted some permanence, but also wondered if an intermediate approach was possible, something I would describe as a "Neverending Trek" which offers some permanence but without the sticks and bricks? In other words, a truly portable existence with one or more semi-permanent addresses.
This would be a kind of "hybrid" RVing. This is not "Class A" living from KOA to Boondock to National Park, nor is it traditional part time RVing. Unlike part time RVing there would ultimately be no home or apartment with an RV for occasional travels. Endless trekking cuts the cord. It replaces the home, condo or apartment with another, larger RV. It could be a fifth wheel or a towable. However, our port(s) of call would be much larger than a Class B. These could satisfy the need for permanence and space by placing them strategically in locales in which we would really like to live for 4, 5 or more months of the year. But not for the entire year.
How would this work? This approach creates a continuous trekking environment in which one can explore most of the year. This provides an opportunity to explore entire areas of the continent from a locale which is itself mobile and impermanent.
The minimum pieces required are:
- A truly portable Class B or C
- A much larger RV which would itself be moved from time to time, or sold and replaced by one at another location.
What would a Year look like?
By foregoing a sticks and bricks house, this would provide the opportunity to live anywhere in the U.S. with forays into Canada if desired. As an example, let's assume the larger RV was in Michigan. Then for one summer one could explore the entire eastern shore of Lake Michigan, Chicago, and parts of Michigan and northern Indiana. By relocating the home base RV, then in another year Door County and Lake Superior could be explored. Of course, Using the Class B as a mobile home on wheels, it would be possible to venture as far east as Niagara Falls. In yet another year, it would be possible to explore Main, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. In another a trek to Alaska and back.Or Colorado and the Rockies. And so on.
Obviously, one's life would be limited only by imagination and one's savings. And yes, money will always be a factor.
When we tire of trekking via wheels we can always take the occasional cruise. Believe me, St. Maarten is lovely in January, and Alaska's inland passage is wonderful in July.
Where to begin? That's a personal decision. We began with a discussion of a map of the U.S. Take a draftman's compass or a thumb tack, string and pencil. Put the sharp point on the map in your current location. Draw a circle with a radius of 250 miles. There is the initial area. Then look farther and think about the most opposite season. Where might one want to be in winter (or summer)? Take the compass and put the sharp point in that locale. Then draw a second circle with a radius of 250 miles.
We now have two possible locales for our large RV.
Draw a line from the center of one circle to the center of the second. Now we have a possible area to traverse and explore in the first year or two. Look at the routes of major interstates or highways and the intersections of these circles. Now we have major roads to travel. Along those routes are places to explore.
Cold and hot weather locales. Obviously, it would be desirable to avoid weather extremes. Cold weather camping can be fun for a week. Ditto for tropical extremes. Most of the time we prefer comfortable weather. (I've ground camped at -25F and I've also spent 11 months in the southernmost part of the Florida Everglades including summer. So I do know what I am talking about).
That desire to avoid temperature extremes and experience comfort also shapes our plans. We could have a "base" in a "cold weather" locale in which to spend the winter and explore the surrounding area in the Class B. It could be in the southwest for a few years, which would provide winter access to CA, AZ, NV and so on. Alternately, the "cold weather" locale could be in Florida.
The criteria requires deciding how far one wants to travel in the Class B, how much time one will spend in the Class B, what one wants to see in the Class B and where one will travel in the Class B.
One could set up impermanent homes in two locales. One in the north in the Class B for use during the summer, and a larger RV home via a fifth wheel in the southern part of the country in which to spend winter. That would be the second locale.
Of course one could have two RV locales and use the Class B to trek between. "All it takes is time and money."
Avoiding the extremes of weather. For many of us, that might be desireable. As we age we may develop one or more forms of arthritis, or experience respiratory problems. If so, it's best to avoid 20F winters and 95F humid summers. If that is desirable, then as we age and as the seasons change, one could travel from the "cold weather" locale to the "warm weather" locale to continue exploring. Along the way greater distances would be travelled and that would allow one to see many of the National Parks other states such as CO, and visit relatives anywhere on the continent in a Class B.
As the season of travel nears an end, then one would travel to the larger RV base and put up one's feet for a few weeks or a few months. This is not a new concept; there are more than a few people who live in Florida for the winter and then in northern, cooler states in the summer. These are the well known "snow birds." They may have a Keystone Montana in Michigan and a permanent home in Florida. Most travel from one home to another in a traditional automobile. That is not continuous trekking. This is not what we intend to do.
Logistical requirements. The endless trek would require the rental of an annual space in the north (summer zone) to enjoy cool summers. A similar space would exist in the warm southeast or west (the winter zone). One might live in a locale for only a summer, or a winter. One locale might be relocated after a year or several.
One locale could be an "over 55" community which has a lot of activities. Travel between locales and continue trekking the continent in a Class B. By doing this, one can escape winter, escape summer and see the sights and the relatives. It would truly be an "Endless Trek" with the best of all worlds. If one tires of trekking, stay put for a while. If one tires of an area, relocate the fifth wheel and set up residence somewhere else.
If one tires of moving between two locations summer/winter, then sell one of the RVs and "settle down" to a single location and continue trekking in the Class B.
Alternatively, get a B+ or a C and use it for travel and to live part time on the road. This could do double duty as a "hot weather" escape, or do the opposite and make it the "cold weather" escape. Then put the fifth wheel or travel trailer on a rented spot which will be our "permanent" address.
In the process, one may find that perfect spot to permanently retire. When that time comes, simply do it. Until that time, there is no need to feel trapped in one's home because this is a big country.
At what age to do this? This is ideally suited for someone or a couple in early retirement. However, a younger person, couple or family could also do this for a year and satisfy family and financial responsibilities.
For those entering retirement that's a time when we are relatively healthy, are ready to do or to see things we haven't because of the myriad of responsibilities of working and a family. With good health, we may have a little discretionary money to do this, before the medical system takes it all. It would be prudent to do this in one's 60's and 70's. Once we reach the age of 80, there may be health, vision or other circumstances. Of course, there are exceptions to all of the rules. And yes, someone will win that lottery. But that winner will be the exception. So too for health and old age.
What might this look like? Here are a couple of places we have been. One is a more traditional RV environment. The other is an over 55 community with pools, other outdoor activities, indoor activities and so on. We continue to explore other opportunities in our quest for the endless trek.
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A Warm Weather Retreat |
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A Cold Weather Retreat |