7 Pages are shown on the Main Page.

7 pages are shown on the Main Page. To see additional posts, click on the link "Older Posts" at the bottom of the main page. For videos go to https://www.youtube.com/@normanretzke4377/videos click "skip" to avoid ads

G has a "swell" time kayaking

G has a "swell" time kayaking
G has a "swell" time on Lake Michigan in an inflatable canoe

Dawn on the Gulf of Mexico

Dawn on the Gulf of Mexico
Dawn on the Gulf of Mexico

Warren Dunes Sunset

Warren Dunes Sunset
Warren Dunes Sunset

Friday, December 9, 2022

RV Campgrounds Higher Fees


Route for 2400 mile trek

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Are fees higher in the fall of 2022?  In November we completed a 2400 mile trek and stayed at six different campgrounds.  We were given off-season rates and because we had two vehicles we rented larger, pull-through sites. We are KOA members and Good Sams members, so we were given discounts at most campgrounds.

Fees, per night, at six campgrounds:

  1. KOA Journey $60.51
  2. Private campground $38.25
  3. Private Resort 69.45
  4. Private campground $37.00
  5. Private campground $35.00
  6. KOA Journey  $45.55
Total $285.76, average cost of an overnight:  $47.63

(c) 2022 N. Retzke

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Private RV Property versus Resorts and Campgrounds


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RVing is a lifestyle choice, and there are a lot of alternative approaches. We’ve been RVers since 2013 and we have tried them all. In recent years we have noticed some significant changes.  There are romantic notions about the RVing lifestyle.  Many are exaggerated. 

We have observed a lot of changes in the most recent 10 years.  Our advice is to be resilient and be aware that one gets what one pays for.  Although it is not a subject in this post, our conversations with RVers indicates that getting repairs done in a reasonable time is becoming more difficult.

What RVers are discovering about camping is a lack of available sites, and RV camping site prices are increasing. The days when one could drive up to a campground and get a site are over.

There are a number of reasons for this. One is the popularity of RVing. Today, there are more RVs than all of the campsites in the US, combined. The CCP Covid-19 virus altered the behavior of RVers. RV campsite fees are increasing making nightly stays more costly. KOA for one is making modest site improvements and charging significantly higher fees. Finally, high gasoline and diesel prices contributed to a tendency to stay in one location for longer periods.

In 2013 when we decided we would become RVers and took our first steps, I told G that in the near future, the carefree days of camping would be history. And so it is.

There are several ways to deal with finding campsites. First, always make reservations as far ahead as possible. Second, go for longer stays in a specific location and use it as a base for local exploring. By local, I mean a radius of 400 miles or so, although more distant excursions are possible. Another possibility is to purchase land and equip it for the RV. There are advantages and disadvantages to each approach.

The boom in RVing has had negative consequences. Today we encounter more complainers, RVers who prefer to walk through our campsite, allow their dogs to defecate everywhere and anywhere including at our site, and groups of roaming children who like to inspect other sites and get into mischief. Campgrounds with good management which enforces the rules goes a long way to deal with this. Campgrounds and resorts with activities and specific activity areas also control this. Boredom is a motivator for mischief and bad conduct among adults and children.

Long term reservations at campgrounds

This sounds straightforward. But it isn’t. One can’t always predict where they will be a few weeks or months into the future. Furthermore, reservations may not be available. This is particularly so at popular State Parks, or during peak RV season. Weather too is a factor. Along the Florida coast and the gulf hurricanes are a reality. These make staying in specific areas chancy during specific times of the year. The destruction by storms results in the closure of resorts and campgrounds for long periods.

Longer Stays at campgrounds and resorts or owning property

Making the decision to stay in a location for longer periods has benefits. It reduces fuel costs, and wear and tear on vehicles. It can be more relaxing. It also reduces the cost per night for a stay. Resorts may have lots of activities. We’ve encountered more than a few RVers who are bored out of their minds. Staying at an active resort, in an area with a lot of amenities may be the best of all worlds. Camping and campfires, group activities, fine dining, museums, various entertainment, even nearby National Parks make for interesting living.

Alternately, one may choose to purchase land and create a personal RV site. This may be the least costly approach, boondocking aside. However, not everyone wants to live in the woods, distant from the benefits of civilization with minimal socializing. Furthermore, there are costs. There may be annual fees and to do this properly the site must be equipped with water, sewer and electricity.

Another approach is seasonal or annual stays at an established resort or campsite. This puts one closer to the “action” without being in the middle of it. This approach also allows one to escape to their site. However, one must be choosy about selecting the resort or campground. This approach is less costly than nightly stays, but may be more costly than owning improved land. One benefit is the ability to alter the site to one’s personal taste. Repeat annual leaseholders may be allowed to install decks, gazebos and so on. If circumstances change, one can leave. Resorts that permit significant improvements by leaseholders (concrete patios, shelters, sheds, improved utilities, etc.) frequently allow these amenities to be sold to the next tenant, so there is little financial risk.


This is a low-cost approach. However, there are costs involved and compromises. There are also risks. Crime is on the rise and it is foolish to pretend it occurs elsewhere. Longer term stays require access to water and dump stations. Some popular boondocking areas attract lots of RVers, vandwellers and car dwellers. As a consequence, there may be a support system. Trucks rent large water storage tanks and fill them periodically. But electricity is scarce, unless one has many kW of solar and batteries. Plan on frequent trips to a dump station and minimal AC in warmer areas.

Boondocking means there is no campsite host to keep the peace. One would think that there is a lot of space available which means adequate separation. That may not be so. Of course, one can always relocate.

Dealing with a lack of availability of sites

When we began planning our extended stay approach to RVing we decided to rent seasonally or annually at several locations. We purchased a Class B and used it to explore and find our “lily pads”. We did discuss land purchase, but decided against it for the present. We like to socialize, but on our terms.

In 2013 we began our quest. It was fun. We investigated “mega resorts” as well as smaller “mom and pop” managed campgrounds. We ultimately decided upon two locations, one of each type, to establish our lily pads.  Each was chosen because of location and nearby amenities. 

Mom and Pop campgrounds

These are smaller campgrounds usually with minimal amenities. The owners live on site in a house or RV. The campground will have a bathhouse and some will have an activity room or building. There may be a couple of cabins for rent. In northern areas these usually close for the winter.

We decided it was best to stay at campgrounds which do not allow tents. For our summer season we also decided we wanted to select a campground with a healthy percentage of seasonal campers and which close during the off-season.

Smaller campgrounds are not necessarily managed better than the larger ones, and the owners may be inclined to avoid conflict between campers. That makes stays "interesting". 

The benefits include more of a community feel. Seasonal RVers do understand campground etiquette and will follow the rules. Many live at the campground for the entire season and then close up their RV at the end of season, leaving the RV in place during the winter off-season. They will add decks, gazebos and shelters to make their site more comfortable. There is a sense of ownership. There is also stability, as many sites are set up this way, and the seasonal campers return year after year.

Fees are determined by location. Popular locations, within a few hours' drive of major metropolitan centers are more costly. Access to lakes, etc. also drive up the costs.

Our experience has been to plan for 5% annual fee increases.

Preparing the summer campsite for winter

Resorts and Mega-Resorts

These are very large campgrounds open all year. They offer short-term as well as seasonal and annual rates. If one chooses an annual, repeat lease, it may be possible to make site improvements to one’s taste. However, this varies from resort to resort. Improvements may include shelters, concrete patios, buildings with residential washer-dryer and so on.

Mega-Resort Improved Site

Mega-resorts may have an on-site bar and restaurant. There may be a lot of activities in-season including a chapel, ballroom for entertainment and so on. Multiple swimming pools, tennis, pickle ball and all sorts of workshops and group activities may be available. However, these are usually managed and staffed by volunteers. If people don’t volunteer, the party stops. There may be modest fees and costs of materials, too.

Mega-resorts may have tiny homes available for purchase or to rent. These “park models” are about 400 square feet but may be larger. This is a popular option for retirees. The cost of purchase of a used model may be low, and annual fees manageable. Some resorts are HUD age qualified, which means 80% of the full-time residents may be 55 or older. Resorts built decades ago may have a very large percentage of elderly. The reality is, this is much less costly than assisted living and that is a financial attraction. It may be a turn-off for younger RVers.

In such resorts children and the elderly may not mix well. Management controls pool hours and access, etc. to keep everyone happy.

As for fees, these too will increase annually and there are rules and regulations. An RVer with an annual lease will sign a contract which is a legal document and can be quite elaborate. Aging infrastructure increases maintenance costs and that leads to increasing fees and breakdowns that can interrupt an otherwise pleasant stay.

In recent years we have noticed the mega resort we stay at is off-loading as much as possible to sub-contractors. There are fewer maintenance employees, and more contractors are utilized. This may limit the costs for the resort owner while guaranteeing revenue. There are draw-backs. Contractors are not necessarily less costly and must be coordinated and managed. There may be a tendency to use a "cash-flow" approach to repairs, which extends them by days, weeks and in some cases, by months. When an issue occurs, the contractor who is an off-site business, may not be available. Running a resort restaurant has been difficult during CCP Covid-19 and the aftermath. When a resort owns and manages an on-site restaurant it can absorb the temporary losses at the restaurant. A small establishment may not be so lucky after paying the lease, overhead and staff. A resort we stay at handled this by off-loading the entire management of the restaurant and bar to a subcontractor.  

The resort has also been turning over other costs to the residents. This may include the responsibility for pool maintenance, weekly trash pickup, etc. Normally water is included and electricity separately metered and billed for each site. But this is changing, too.

(c) N. Retzke 2022 

Saturday, December 3, 2022

We are officially Full-time RVers


Storage with items remaining after downsizing

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In spring 2022 we began prepping the condo for sale.  Residuals from my business were disposed of. 

In June and July I emptied the home office.  I scanned old documents and photos and tossed the originals.  A professional service shredded additional documents and hard drives. 

There were a number of minor repairs to do and some cosmetics.  When I emptied out the home office, I took down bookcases, built-in cabinetry and shelving.  I then patched, primed and painted.   I restored that room to a bedroom. All of these tasks were completed in July, August and September, while we pared our belongings, separated things for storage and our two lily-pads. 

We gave a lot away to Amvets and Goodwill.  Some items were put into storage, others were junked. The condo was ready for sale in early October and was placed on the market on October 6.  We immediately got several offers from investors, but we noted issues with the contracts.   

A short time later an individual buyer made an offer and we accepted. 

The closing was scheduled for late November, early December.  The condo closing came and went and it has now been officially sold.

We said Good-Bye to Illinois a couple of weeks ago and the attorney represented us at the closing. 

We now are officially full-timers.

(c) N. Retzke 2022

Saturday, November 26, 2022

2400 miles to our winter lily pad


Taking the long route - 6 overnight stops

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With the condo sale proceeding, we left everything in the hands of the Realtor and our Attorney, packed the Roadtrek and headed to Arizona. I drove the Roadtrek and G drove the Chevy, which will replace the Malibu and will remain in AZ year around. We donated the Malibu to a veterans organization. It will be auctioned and proceeds go to vets.

We took the longer trek to avoid winter storms and sub-freezing weather.  In the past we've stayed at campgrounds which shut down all water, including the bathrooms when it gets below 32F.  We didn't want to repeat that experience.

We had prepared a travel itinerary.  It would take 6-1/2 days, with minimal stops.  We made reservations for each overnight stop.

The first leg of the trip, through Illinois on I-57 was a real pain.  Construction signs up and there were long stretches with the speed posted at 45 MPH.  It was a fitting "goodbye" to the state.  However, all real estate is local, and portions of DuPage County are near perfect places to live.  Just don't get run over by one of Chicago Mayor Lightfoot's shuttle busses, which drop off undesirables in the suburbs.  Chicago dumps them with a hotel voucher and an adios!  "Welcome to America".

Our first day was designed as a short-leg of 316 miles, which was helpful. We had packed non-freezables the night before and we got an earlier start to the day.  Temperatures were below freezing overnight, and the Roadtrek was off the grid.  I had installed Lithium-Ion battery technology during the previous summer.  The Battery Management System (BMS) of these batteries prevents charging at below-freezing temperatures.  It was about 21F when we started the Roadtrek.  I switched on the battery compartment DC heaters and we headed down the road at 10:15AM.

Heater test during installation last summer.  DC controllers are in C, AC controller is F

324 miles later we arrived at a KOA "Journey" at 3:30pm. This was a "Deluxe" site because of the length of the two vehicles.  However, because it was cold and end of season it was a nearly deserted campground with minimal amenities.  The current CEO of KOA is a "Glamping Queen" who has a marketing background.  It is her philosophy to increase prices by adding a slab, firepit and a couple of chairs and a picnic table to the sites.  This approach allows KOA to extract an additional $30 a night for a site, even when it is cold and snowing.  LOL.

I hooked up the AC and switched on the 120VAC battery heater.

The next morning it had warmed up and by 7:45am it was a balmy 39F. By 2:00 PM we had travelled a total of 656 miles and stopped at an independent campground in Grenada, MS.  It was 46F and overcast. We had a pleasant overnight stay and the campground hosts were very accommodating.  Overnight stay was $35.

And so it went.  Cool days, generally overcast with a little rain.  Nights at or below freezing.

Here were the daily miles for the route as shown above:
  • Day 1 324 miles
  • Day 2 330 miles
  • Day 3 341 miles
  • Day 4 341 miles
  • Day 5 415 miles
  • Day 6 407 miles
  • Day 7 149 miles
We arrived at our location in Arizona at 10:00am local time; we had gained an hour due to time change.

We spent that day unpacking, hooking up the 5th wheel, etc.  I had purchased an improved, larger water filter before we left the previous season. I installed the new filter, regenerated the water softener, checked the anode in the hot water heater and flushed it once again.  Desert water contains a lot of minerals and an anode generally lasts for only one season.

I turned on the water, flushed the system of air (no need to winterize) and plugged in the Redwood.  I then ran the 5 slides out and turned on the refrigerator.  I removed the empty gallon jugs our summer care people fill periodically to assure that we have some humidity in the RV during the summer months and we were ready to move in.

This season I intend to add a reverse osmosis water treatment system to the Redwood.  I will also add another solar panel to the Roadtrek.  Etc. 

(c) 2022 N. Retzke

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Full Timing, here we come


Empty Storage - waiting

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We’ve been working on this for a long time. First, we had to change our lives to provide more time to do it, Dr. Fauci’s disease was a two-year setback, and there were others, but we kept moving forward. Health issues and problems due to dysfunctional family were dealt with.  In 2020 I exited my business. In 2021 we dealt with extended family problems, among other things. 2022 was worse. In June 2022 we took a U-Haul to Arizona with some furniture and essentials for the RV we have there, this was supposed to occur in fall of 2021, but family interfered.

In 2022 we spent most of the time July-October giving belongings away to Amvets and Goodwill and consignment shops. We gave many, many books to the local library. Additional stuff was disposed of via a dumpster. Critical documents were scanned and digitized, and the originals shredded.  Ditto for photos. 8 hard-drives were shredded and PCs given away.  It was serious downsizing, but we were ready.

There were tasks to do to prepare the sticks and bricks for sale.  Some plumbing upgrades, trim and paint to do, minor repairs and so on.  The 3rd bedroom was a full office.  Bookcases, file cabinets and wall-mounted cabinets were removed, and the room is once again a bedroom.  Etc. Etc. Etc.   We were busy seven days a week for nearly four months.  No time for blogging. It even cut into my wine time, virtually eliminating it.  LOL.

We then shifted to packing for storage. We have organized everything that remains, made a list and numbered the boxes.  I also made a floor plan for the storage, so we know where each box is. We've transported most of these to storage, saving the big items for the movers.

A couple of days ago I winterized the Roadtrek and took it to the EPA station to get it "certified".  I also took it to the local Chevy dealer for an oil change, tire rotation, new wipers, 55,000-mile service, etc.

When G had any time available it was to deal with her family.  The brothers still can't figure it out and I doubt they ever will.  "Please explain why you are doing this" is among the endless questioning.  By the age of 60 one would think they would have figured it out after so many meaningless, time-consuming conversations, and after we have been RVing since December 2013.

U-Haul to Arizona

Dumpster with rain coming

We did very little RVing in 2022, after leaving our Arizona "lily pad". In the spring we returned to Illinoise enroute to Michigan. We stopped at the condo, filled a U-Haul and returned to AZ.  As I said, this was supposed to have been done in fall of 2021. 

In early October we closed down the Michigan campsite so we could make final preparations to leave that wonderful blue-state Illinoise.  I have many fond memories sailing lake Michigan. More recently kayaking on the Michigan side of the lake.

On the Venture, at Montrose Harbor, a long time ago

We spent just enough time in 2022 in Michigan to set up the campsite, spend a holiday weekend and then shut it down at the end of the season.  LOL

We have rented a local environmental storage space for several pieces of furniture we decided not to part with. We will also use that as the place to store extra supplies for our Michigan RV site, and to transfer material when travelling to/and from our lily pads. Extra winter gear, clothes, tools, etc. It is a very nice facility, and we can actually drive in.  In fact, it can accommodate our Roadtrek 210P.  Very convenient for loading and unloading under all weather conditions.

Drive-in storage loading 
I can drive a car or the Roadtrek in to load or unload

We re-arranged the remaining furniture at the condo and staged it and put the condo on the market. Hint: If I were ever to do this again, I would arrange everything for the photos and then empty the condo completely before putting it on the market.  This daily moving of stuff and accommodating showing schedules is a real pain.   A delay of showing for a couple of weeks would have meant nothing and would have allowed us to vacate several days earlier.

The movers are coming in a week to take what we want to save to storage. After that we’ll do a final “sweep” of the condo and that’s it.

I love it when a plan comes together, but 9 years was too long!

Condo staged and ready to vacate

(c) 2022 N. Retzke

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Reflection on RVing


Our Roadtrek 210P

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Having the Roadtrek has had some interesting moments, which are beyond the expected trekking experience.  Not long after purchase a distant relative who was excited about this approached me and said "Of course, it will be available for family use!"  My response was a shake of the head and a single word:  "No!".  That did not go over well, but it is necessary to set boundaries.

One thing I have learned is a lot of people think that using a van based RV is like driving and owning a car.  Some are oblivious of the maintenance required for a home or an RV.  They don't realize that the Roadtrek is a complex machine, and it requires careful driving, maintenance and some care. There are expenses to deal with. To be safe and secure and to have pleasant trekking experiences preventative maintenance is a must. For the vehicle chassis this requires timely fluid changes, frequent tire rotation, brake inspections, etc.  At the appropriate time the chassis battery, brakes and tires are to be replaced. There are published service schedules about this.   For the coach there are batteries to maintain, a generator to maintain, all the appliances and of course, bouncing down the road means that latches and other hardware may fail.  Frequent inspections are a necessity.  I carry spare parts including a macerator and spare Thetford "slinky"  dump hose because these things may not be available if a sudden repair or replacement is required. To paraphrase Murphy's Law "Things will break and usually at a most inopportune moment".  However, some RVers seem to prefer living a risky life and winging it.  They may drive their baby into the ground, choosing to performing maintenance only when breakdowns occur. 

I've met a few who complain when their baby breaks "How could this happen?" is the oft repeated refrain.  

I once got an emergency phone call from an individual who had a breakdown on an interstate about 100 miles distant.  One of the front brake calipers had disintegrated while on a routine trip; it damaged the brake system and fluid line.  As it turns out, they had not inspected the brakes for a couple of years and several thousand miles of driving.    An expression I use for situations such as this is: "A failure on your part to plan does not constitute an emergency for me."    I arranged for emergency service, but declined to drive to the location. Yes, Virginia, this is why AAA was created.

A couple of days ago, the "Check Maintenance" light came on in one of my vehicles. It has 44,000 miles and was recently serviced at the Chevy dealer, one of a series of annual maintenance interval checks (about 250 miles earlier).  Some call this indicator the "Check engine" light.  I also noticed an intermittent whistling while driving.  The vehicle was clearly drivable.  It was a Sunday. I went to the nearby Auto Zone store and borrowed their "Onboard Diagnostic" OBD reader.  I plugged it into the port, took the reading and then brought it back inside.  Their computer indicated it was an oxygen sensor malfunction and the engine was running lean.  There could be multiple causes for this. Because of the whistling noise I also looked under the hood to see if the serpentine belt was OK or showing any signs of shredding. I listened for an idler problem. I detected none.  I went online and scheduled a maintenance visit at the nearby Chevy dealer to occur on Monday.  On arrival I asked them to run the diagnostic and inform me of the issue.  As it turns out, there was a problem with the overhead cam cover and the PCV valve.  They advised Chevy was aware of the issue with that specific engine.  A couple of hours later, with a new cover, etc. installed I was on my way.  My cost: $0.00.  I do think consistent maintenance at a single dealer is helpful.  Chevy had the entire service history and the vehicle was obviously well maintained. 

"You can pay now or pay later" is one way to look at this.  I can perform and pay for good preventative maintenance and it may not be inexpensive, but failing to do so will inevitably result in breakdowns which may be even more costly.  I think some thrive on the angst created by unscheduled breakdowns, but I am not one of those. There are those in society who prefer victimhood and love to express their misfortune. 

Oh, and one must be an advocate for themselves, and be courteous throughout.  Good and proper maintenance, records and documentation can provide leverage to the owner.  When our Roadtrek had a fiberglass problem in the bathroom I documented it, sent photos and communicated via email with the nearby dealer and to Roadtrek customer service. Because it was early summer and peak repair season this took some time to schedule and to complete, but I remained courteous and on point throughout. After Roadtrek scheduled and authorized repairs, and the dealer completed them, I got an unexpected call from the Roadtrek Regional Manager. They had replaced the entire bathroom shell.  He apologized for the inconvenience and thanked me for my understanding. He then told me that as compensation I would receive a $500 check from Roadtrek.  That's the "old" 2014 Roadtrek corporation, no relationship to the current company. 

Now, I'm quick to admit that I have made mistakes and that from time to time, things go wrong and I do lose my temper, but I check my anger or upset.  I am more committed to getting results than running my power trip or making others wrong.  I do have the ability to slice and dice with a few words. and I have low tolerance for incompetence but am sufficiently empathic to understand the issues faced by dealers and manufacturers. I have absolutely nothing to prove to anyone. Sometimes the problem is because of my action or inaction and I do take responsibility.  However, most "accidents" are not such things.  I'm trained in industrial accident prevention and I do know what I'm talking about. Driving in a RV with old, worn or rotted tires is an accident waiting to happen.  Towing a trailer at speeds beyond the design of the tires is an accident waiting to happen.  Speeding in a RV is risky.  When "accidents" occur, we may sometimes be surprised that our insurance refused to cover certain costs, including medical and hospitalization. 

"There is no free ride" is the old expression and it is true. The romantic notion of travelling the open road and boondocking for free may be alluring; I think it is largely a fiction. Costs do include fuel, preventative maintenance, the campsites, etc.

A couple we met in the Southwest added solar, and decided to live "on the cheap" on BLM land near Quartzite AZ.  They soon discovered that getting water hauled in was a nuisance, dumping the tanks required breaking camp and electricity was in short supply.  To add to their "misery" as they described it, they found the endless heat parked in the sun to be uncomfortable and even unbearable at times; and it wasn't summer. Low humidity is a plus, but dust and heat aren't pleasant on a 24 hour a day basis. After several months of experimentation, they decided to stay near us in the resort.  They told us this change was money well spent.  "We love it" was what they said.

A couple who wanted to boondock a lot upgraded the solar on their larger RV.  They also added more 6V golf-cart style batteries.  They told me of their experience.  After a couple of months one of the batteries exploded.  They had never thought to check the battery fluid level.  They went back to the dealer who declined to cover this as a warranty repair.  They were told that cooking the batteries is not a warranty issue. 

As an example of how an RV shouldn't be treated like an apartment, a visitor to our travel trailer jammed the footpedal of the toilet to the floor.  That caused breakage and afterwards, the water valve would not reliably close, slowly filling the toilet and nearly flooding the trailer.  I turned off the water to the RV and the next day I dismantled the toilet to see if it was repairable. I decided to replace it with a new Thetford Aqua Magic II, which I ordered online at a very good price.  When I installed the toilet, I added a special shutoff at the toilet freshwater inlet.  I now encourage guests to use the campground washrooms. 

Then there were the thieves who stole the catalytic converter while the Roadtrek was in a locked, gated, camera equipped "secure" storage. FMCA Progressive insurance did a great job supporting that replacement, but there was travel delay, inconvenience and the deductible to pay.

After the arrival of the CCP Covid-19 we were approached by a lot of people who wanted to know how much the Roadtrek costs, how we like it, etc.  We have always had a few curious approach us to talk to us in gas stations, etc.  I've had to tell them that the 190 & 210 are no longer manufactured.  I refer interested individuals to the Roadtrek International Chapter, FMCA website for more information and used pricing and availability.  In the Roadtrek I carry small cards with that website information, and my YouTube channel and this blog address.  I am reluctant to recommend current Roadtreks because I know nothing about them.  I have no first-hand experience of the "new" company products after the sale of Heimer-Roadtrek, and the bankruptcy and fire sale of the "spun-off" Roadtrek company that followed.  The current Roadtrek is for all intents and purposes a new company with different vehicles. 

In recent years, because of demand, it has been our experience that reservations are necessary for most excursions.  But there are no guarantees.  When bad weather delayed our arrival at a campground we called the office and informed them.  We would arrive after the office was closed, but this would be "No problem" we were told.  Upon arrival at about 7pm , we discovered a poacher had occupied our site.  That situation was resolved, but with no assistance from the campground owner or the office. With nighttime temperatures near 0F it could have been a real problem for us.  Oh, and our credit card was billed for the night.   "Strike that campground from the list". 

Sometimes, there are other surprises.  We were staying for a short time at a nice, family run campground in Texas.  In fact, we have camped there several times.  On that occasion a weather change was forecast with an accompanying freeze.  "No problem" we thought, as we were winterized, which is our standard approach when a hard freeze is a possibility. (Under these circumstances we travel with anti-freeze in the black and gray tanks and additional fresh water in gallon containers). The manager notified us that water would be turned off at 7pm.  I asked about the campground bathrooms.  Somewhat nonchalantly I was told that they too would be part of the water shutoff.   

It seems people are using their RVs for family weekend getaways, and there are more RVs on the road than there are campsites to park them.  We've been able to squeeze into campgrounds which were supposedly full, because at times there is a small, odd-sized lot available.   When covid arrived, we noticed that more RVers were inclined to stay put for longer periods.  Recently, high fuel prices had also had an impact on travel plans.  It seems some go on shorter distance trips of only a few hundred miles. 

Rates become lower with longer term leases at some campgrounds and resorts.  However, with high demand that may change.

Recent gasoline prices haven't been a joy, with increases in the West from less than $2 a gallon to more than $5 a gallon in Blue States like Illinois, and with Michigan not far behind. Oh, and then there are the road tolls in Illinois to deal with, too. Until government policy outlaws RVs or attempts to tax them into oblivion, I think G and I will be okay.  It will be interesting to see the impact of gasoline prices above $7 a gallon, should that occur.

Financial planning is an absolute must. Our dining and grocery bills have increased. We monitor prices and noticed that a can of Spam is now about $3 (we don't eat it). However, our travel budget includes some price flexibility and there are trade-off options.  We can stay put at the lily-pads and make shorter excursions from them.  There are a lot of things to do from our lily-pad situated east of Lake Michigan, and Tucson is a great location, too.

I run all of our finances and budget through Quicken software. I supplement that with custom spreadsheets.  At any given moment I can run a report, or a series of reports and compare costs today to any similar period in the past. I know precisely how much we spend on gasoline, groceries, dining out, each utility, rents, taxes etc. I know how much is spent at each of our lily pads and to maintain our Roadtrek and travel from point to point in it.  I know all forthcoming bills, projected income, and our projected checking and savings balances well into the future.  We have a long-term financial plan.  One of my goals was to provide some financial security for us.  That requires planning and preparation.  It requires budgeting and at times it requires sacrifice or at the very least self-control.

I suggest that if one does not have such plans in place, then perhaps a life of Vandwelling with street parking in a Blue State "sanctuary city" and sponge baths in a McDonalds and Starbucks should be the lifestyle plan. But there are trade-offs. We were exploring Canyonlands National Park and a group of 20 somethings, about six grungy boys and girls, were cooking Ramen Soup on a camp stove near us.   They were living the good live in a van.  They were observing me as I was chopping vegetables for dinner. One came over to look at the Class B.  None of the vandwellers looked too happy.  Another trekker came up to us and talked to me about our lifestyle decision and the rig we were travelling in. The vandwellers listened and watched us.  

In recent years, G had been more concerned about "Carjackers" after we have been followed and observed by those who are obviously up to no good. I am very choosy about where I park the Roadtrek.  Because of their policy of providing oversize parking for RVs in the rear where they can't be readily observed I avoid the Cracker-Barrel restaurants. 

A few years ago, on a business trip to Cupertino CA a group of us stopped for dinner at a Red Lobster. While we had dinner, thieves broke into one of our rental vehicles and several others in the parking lot. $thousand in tech was stolen. None of mine was touched because I am more cautious.  The vehicle driver went back to the restaurant to call the police. The restaurant manager told us "This happens all the time".  But no one in the staff alerted us to this possibility when we got our reservations. Furthermore, the restaurant had security to monitor the parking lot.  We decided it was an inside job. 

We dined with a 20-something couple we know, and they brought up the subject of full-time RVing.  They knew we did this and emoted about how wonderful it would be if they did it.  They expressed this is one of their short-term goals and "want" to buy a RV and live the life fantastic.  They don't have a long-term financial plan, sponge from relatives and aren't financially stable.  They have no clue about what it takes. They really want a Class A RV experience but at no cost. I suggested work-camping but that didn't seem attractive to them.  LOL. 

Returning to budgeting, one of the obvious ways to reduce grocery bills is to stop purchasing snacks, junk food, things like pop-tarts (Ugh!) and any other prepared crap and of course, any soda pop or other canned beverages.  Beer and wine are also options.  However, there are some interesting prepared foods out there.  Trader Joe's has a good, frozen vegetable fried rice and several different frozen pasta dishes.  These are in bags. We usually add our own meat, preferring good Italian sausage, grilled chicken or pork, sliced and marinated, or  grilled flank steak or marinated and sauteed shrimp, etc. Once a week I poach fresh salmon on the grill in a variety of home-made marinades.

G and I are both skillful cooks and I'm a baker too, so we prepare most of our meals using quality ingredients. However, with the increases in the prices of butter, eggs, flour and spices as well as increased energy costs, baking from scratch isn't the cost saver it was only a couple of years ago.  One baking option is to use prepared mixes.  However, we have to be very selective because the sugar-infused palates of Millennials, Gen-Xers and Gen-Zers means a lot of mixes are far too sweet for our tastes.

I've set up outdoor cook stations at both of the lily pads, and the Roadtrek is well equipped. We have propane ovens and convection ovens as well as crock style pots and electric cooktops, electric grills and an electric grill at one of the lily pads.  In the Roadtrek I carry a small grill, an electric cook-top and this is in addition to the convection-microwave, and propane range top. We have a lot of options available to us. I do prefer to cook outdoors. 

We designed a budget and financial plan and I've posted earlier about that.

Our long-term lease approach means that camping costs may increase about 5% a year.  However, there is a trend in the industry. The current CEO of KOA seems to be pushing the creation of more and more "glamping" sites, so as to increase revenue.  When the low-cost sites are gone, well, one may have no choice but to reserve a more expensive site. Other campgrounds may follow suit and nearly all are full during peak season.  It is unclear if high gasoline prices will change that.  IMHO government policy will keep fuel prices and inflation high.  Transient may be for years.  Our 210P with the 6.0-liter V-8 engine gets about 16 MPG at highway speeds below 75 MPH.  

Time and budget permitting we have taken a variety of treks.  UP of Michigan, Door County WI, southern US, Florida, East Coast, West Coast, Central US, Appalachia, all the Great Lakes, etc. etc. etc. A few maps:

We did finally make it to a FMCA international convention.  CCP-Covid cancelled the earlier one we had registered for, and some are in locations inconvenient to us.  However, travelling from AZ to GA for a convention isn't all that appealing.  Nevertheless, we did enjoy meeting up with fellow Roadtrekkers in Tucson.

With partial retirement after 53 working years, time is less of a constraint to our travel plans. I'm now only working part time and G is retired. "When you stop, you drop". Because I have educated myself in finance, budget and investing I have been on an annual retainer for more than 10 years and I am paid to write about such matters.

When we have vacated the condo we should have more free time, if I can keep the relatives at bay. LOL.  For years I told them we were wintering in New Mexico.  However, they now know we are actually in AZ.

We purchased the Roadtrek about 9 years ago with the intention to keep it and use it for 10 years.  At this point, we have no plans to sell it.  I've taken care of several maintenance issues and made some custom upgrades including solar and lithium batteries.   I've resolved propane and refrigerator issues.  Everything works and I'm confident of taking it on long trips in mild and inclement weather.  Travel is a matter of determining comfort routes.  We have no issue with winter trekking but of course opening the side doors lets the heat out and winter in.  That large sliding door in the Kitchen area was one of the things we didn't like about the Sprinter. 

I haven't seen anything I would choose to replace the Roadtrek. 

(c) Norman Retzke 2022

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Those inaccurate tank indicators


Filling outside freshwater tank #1

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A couple of days ago I ran the Onan generator for its monthly exercise.  I also added 16 ounces of Seaform to the Chevy gas tank, which was about 1/2 full.  At that time all of the tanks were empty except freshwater tank #1. That tank read 1/3 full. All the other tank level indicators read empty.  Each year as summer arrives, I am aware of complaints on social media.  One of these is about those inaccurate tank sensors.  One individual over at Fakebook commented to a post asking for help "Those indicators never work.  Do yourself a favor and just tape over them."

That's a defeatist attitude and it is not necessarily accurate.  We live in a travel trailer, a 5th wheel and the Roadtrek for most of the year (about 45-50 weeks).  All of the tank level indicators work in all of those RVs and we use the fresh tanks, gray tanks and black tanks.  However, to keep them working there are a few things one must do.

One issue is soap scum.  We've experienced issues in the gray tank of the 5th wheel, in which we live for up to 6-months a year.  I could clean that tank, but I simply don't bother.  My primary reason is the tank is so large, we simply dump it every few days and don't think about it.

The Roadtrek is another thing altogether, because the tanks are small.  

2013 210P Approximate Capacities:

  • Fresh water, total 36 gallons (6-gallon hot water, approx. 15 gallons outside tank #1, 15 gallons inside tank #2).
  • Gray tank 23 gallons.
  • Black tank 10 gallons.

Because of the small gray and black tank capacities, we pay attention to the LED indicators.

How to keep the gray and black tank level indicators working

Our Roadtrek is about 9 years old, we camp a lot and have actually lived in it for up to 100+ continuous days. All of the tank indicators work as designed and we have never had an issue with the macerator.  We use the commode, the sinks and the outside shower.  We winterize if we are trekking below 20F or expect outside temperatures to be below 32F for extended periods of time.

Now, a cynic might say that our experience is not typical, and we simply experience "good luck".  That may be true.  It might be useful to ask, "How do we keep the indicators and macerator working?" 

  1. Nothing goes into the toilet except for human bodily waste and Scott septic safe toilet paper.
  2. Nothing goes into the sinks or shower drain except water and soap residue.  We don't let hair accumulate in the drains. 
  3. We dump the black tank every couple of days, and we always add a gallon or so of fresh water to the emptied tank.
  4. We dump the gray tank after the black to flush the macerator hose with water devoid of solids.
  5. After using the macerator, I lift the hose and "walk it" toward the dump, assuring all liquid drains from the hose.  I installed a very flexible Thetford "slinky" in 2014 and we have used it ever since. 
  6. Each year I flush the gray and black tanks with a generous amount of fresh water. 
  7. We use Dawn dishwashing liquid.
  8. I once used "Happy Camper Extreme Holding Tank Cleaner".  I've got a link to the posts about that.  What we discovered was soap scum was interfering with the gray tank sensors.  We switched to Dawn and that problem went away. More about this later in this post.

Click for Links to Tank Level Sensor Posts

Cleaning and sanitizing the freshwater tanks

A couple of days ago I drained the freshwater tanks after an extended trek.  I do this so I can sanitize the freshwater tank system.  We've been in campgrounds with freshwater I considered suitable for cleaning, but not for drinking.   After one such experience and in high summer temperatures I discovered beer brewing in my outside tank #1.  Apparently, there was algae or bacteria in that water.

My procedure is straightforward. I completely drain the freshwater system.  Then I refill the freshwater tanks and drain again. That approach flushes anything in the tanks. Then I add a bleach mixture to the freshwater tanks. Here is an outline of the steps I use on our 210P:

  1. Drain the hot water heater.  I usually don't sanitize the heater and so after emptying I use the bypass valves to isolate the heater, so no water enters or leaves it during the sanitizing.
  2. Park the Roadtrek level, or with the front slightly lower than the rear.
  3. Open the exterior freshwater tank low point drain valve.
  4. Open the interior tank drain valve, which is inside the water pump cabinet.
  5. Allow the entire freshwater system to drain completely and then close the exterior freshwater low point drain valve. 
  6. Close the interior tank drain valve. 
  7. Fill both the interior and exterior freshwater tanks once again with fresh water.  Then drain completely.  This step flushes anything in the tanks. See steps 8, 9, 10.
  8. Open the exterior freshwater tank low point drain valve.
  9. Open the interior tank drain valve, which is inside the water pump cabinet.
  10. Allow the entire freshwater system to drain completely and then close the exterior freshwater low point drain valve. 
  11. Close the interior tank drain valve. 
  12. Mix 1/2 cup of bleach with fresh water and introduce it into the outside gravity fill of tank #2 (the interior freshwater tank).  1/2 cup is sufficient for about 25 gallons of fresh water.
  13. Add about 10 gallons (or more, or less) to the interior freshwater tank #2.
  14. Open the interior tank drain valve, which is inside the water pump cabinet. This will allow the water in that tank to flow via gravity toward exterior tank #1.
  15. Allow freshwater tank #2 to empty and then close the interior tank drain valve. This will isolate the two freshwater tanks.
  16. Add sufficient water to freshwater tank #1 (the exterior tank) to fill it.  
  17. That's it.  Running the water pump and opening various taps will move this bleach-water blend throughout the freshwater lines.  During the summer I usually only use the exterior freshwater tank, so I close the isolator valve that drains interior freshwater tank #1.

Cleaning and sanitizing the black and gray water tanks

I did once used a chemical treatment on the gray tank.  That was in 2016 after living the Roadrek for about 100+ days.  I've included a blog link about this.  I used "Happy Camper Extreme Holding Tank Cleaner".  This is a caustic chemical which can result in burns or injury or damage. Follow all manufacturer's directions and safety precautions.  There are warnings on the product labels, and one shouldn't allow the chemical touch the skin or eyes.  I use extreme caution. 

We have since changed our procedures

We rinse the gray, black and freshwater tanks annually and then sanitize the freshwater tanks.  We only use Dawn dishwashing liquid and Dove for sensitive skin bar soap.  We have never used the interior shower, preferring those at campgrounds.  Instead, we take sponge baths.  No shampoo or residue gets into the gray tanks.  We winterize once each year, and that includes the P-Traps.  Once warm weather arrives, we fill the P-Traps with fresh water.  We keep the floor drain screw-in strainers closed at all times.  If any debris collects in the aisle or the bath, we vacuum it out before opening these strainers. 

Here's some blog posts about the issues we once had with the tank indicator's and how we resolved them.


Accompanying Youtube Video:  


(c) N. Retzke 2022